Delivering ConstructSafe testing as a test centre
ConstructSafe testing is delivered through an online platform, all that's needed is an internet connection and a device to deliver testing on.

There are two types of testing centre, public and private. For each type, you can choose to be a mobile testing centre to deliver testing in the field, or to have your own test centre in a fixed place so that workers can visit you.

As a testing centre, you can add test supervisors to oversee testing on your behalf and you are free to grow your service offering, or to diversify your exiting service offering by delivering ConstructSafe testing on behalf of ConstructSafe.

For larger employers, you might choose to be a private testing centre to deliver testing to your own employees, improving your flexibility to use ConstructSafe as your standard.

To deliver testing on behalf of ConstructSafe, you must be able to provide fair and transparent testing conditions, as centrally, we monitor all activity in a live environment.

If you would like to join our network of testing centres in providing a worthwhile service that is making a difference to our industry then we would love to hear from you.

Just fill out the contact form below and we can get you started.

To apply for a license to test, fill out the details below.
Your company name
Your name
Your contact number (Tel)
Your contact email
Number of employees
Are you a training provider ? Yes No
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